Communications Workers of America
Local 7270
This Local shall be known as Local 7270, Communications Workers of America.
Jurisdiction of this Local shall be the jurisdiction assigned by the Union and appearing on the face of the Local Charter.
The objects of Local 7270 shall be to represent and serve the workers within its jurisdiction in accordance with the Bylaws and Rules of the Local and the Constitution and policies of the Communications Workers of America.
The structure of the Local shall consist of the following:
Executive Board
Local Committees
Section 1 ELIGIBILITY – Any person eligible for membership in the Communications Workers of America, as defined in Article V of its Constitution, shall be eligible for membership in this Local, if performing work within the Local’s assigned jurisdiction and in compliance with contract requirements.
Section 2 APPLICATION – Membership in the Local shall be obtained after payment of the Local initiation fee of $2.00 and upon the approval of any membership committee composed of the President and Secretary-Treasurer, subject to the right of the Local to overrule the decision of the membership committee.
Section 3 TRANSFERS – The transfer of membership from this Local to the jurisdiction of another Local or from another Local to the jurisdiction of this Local shall be made in accordance with Article V, of the Union Constitution.
Section 1 LOCAL DUES
- Each member of the Local working full-time shall pay minimum membership dues of two and one-quarter hours pay per month. Dues for part-time employees shall be prorated based on regularly scheduled work hours.
- Membership dues which exceed in amount the minimum membership dues may be authorized by a majority of those voting on the question, in accordance with the Local bylaws.
- Membership dues may be changed only by a majority of those voting on the question by secret ballot referendum, or by a majority secret ballot vote in a meeting where a quorum is present, if the question has been advertised on bulletin boards at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting or by notice mailed postage prepaid to each member at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.
***Note: Section 1 rewritten with verbiage from Union sample bylaws.
Section 2 LOCAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS – The membership of this Local may levy a special assessment only in the same manner as provided for in section 1 above; however, any special assessments levied shall be in compliance with Article VI, Section 3 of the Union Constitution.
Section 1 The affairs of this Local shall be governed by its membership in accordance with the Constitution and policies of the Union in the following manner:
- Through action taken in membership meetings or by referendum of the membership.
- Through by actions and decisions of the Executive Board between membership meetings.
- Through actions and decisions of the Local Officers between meetings of the Executive Board.
- The action and decision of the officers of the Local and Executive Board may be over-ruled by the membership in a Local meeting by referendum.
Section 2 The Executive Board
The Local Executive Board shall consist of:
Vice President
Secretary –Treasurer
Chief Steward and Assistant Chief Steward from the following work areas:
Le Center District
Southwest District (Canby)
Southwest District (Slayton)
Southwest District (Worthington)
Southwest District (Fairmont)
Call Centers/Support Teams/Repair
Operations (Technicians)
Operations (Such as SCC, Assignments, Facility Assignors, Dispatch)
Regular meetings of this Local shall be held during the last quarter of the year. District meetings shall be held in each District at least every two (2) months. The areas for the Districts are as defined in the contract. Executive Board meetings shall be held biannually. Special meetings may be called by a majority vote of the Local Officers Executive Board, or by a petition signed by ten percent (10 %) of the Local membership. Upon receipt of a proper petition, the Local officers shall call a special meeting for the purpose set forth in the petition to be held within ten (10) days.
Section 1 The President of the Local shall serve as the 1st Delegate to the international union convention.
Section 2 The Vice President shall serve as the 2nd Delegate or the Alternate. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as a Delegate or alternate, if applicable.
Section 3 In lieu of officers being unable to perform under Sections 1 & 2 of Article IX, the Local may determine to use an alternate method in accordance with the CWA Constitution.
Section 4 It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local to certify the Local delegates to the international Union Convention to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union within the time limits specified in Article VIII of the Union Constitution.
Section 5 The Local Executive Board shall determine the number of delegates and alternates authorized to represent the Local at the convention. If more than one delegate is authorized, the chairman of the delegation shall be the President or designated by the President. The chairman of the delegation shall assign the votes to the delegation.
Section 1 The Local shall have the following regular committees:
- Education Committee
- Election Committee
- Organizing Committee
- Legislative-Political Committee
- Membership Committee or Committees
- Community Services Committee
- Bargaining Committee
- Such Other Committees as directed to establish by convention action or constitution.
Section 2 Members of all committees, with the exception of the bargaining committee, shall be appointed by the President subject to Executive Board approval. Subject to the right of the Local membership to overrule such appointments.
Section 3. Vacancies on committees shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
Section 4. Any member of any Local committee may be removed by majority vote of the Local Executive Board, subject to the right of the Local to overrule the action of the Executive Board. A committee member may be removed by action of the Local in a membership meeting.
Section 5. The bargaining committee shall consist of at least two one members from out-state (Non Twin Cities Metropolitan area) provided a volunteer is available.
Section 6. Duties of Committees:
- Membership Committee – The Membership Committee or Membership Committees shall accept or reject membership applications in accordance with the bylaws and rules of this Local and Article V of the CWA Constitution and policies of the Union.
- Legislative Committee – The Legislative Committee shall assist in developing and pursuing the programs of the Union and the Local in the Legislative field (State & Federal). It shall be the responsibility responsible for the Local’s program to register each qualified voter.
- Organizing Committee – The Organizing Committee shall assist the Local officers and stewards in organizing all members within the Local’s jurisdiction. The organizing committee shall be responsible for all external organizing programs.
- Election Committee – The Election Committee shall conduct all nominations and elections including referendum votes.
- Education Committee – The Education Committee shall assist in developing the Local’s education programs and effectuating such programs.
- Community Services Committee – The Community Services Committee shall assist in developing all Community Services programs.
Section 1. The order of business at a Local meeting shall be as follows:
- Call to order
- Roll Call (optional)
- Reading and action on minutes of previous meeting
- Report of officers and Executive Board
- Report of committees
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Good and Welfare
- Adjournment
Section 2. The order of business may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present.
Section 1. The officers of the Local shall be:
- Local President
- Local Vice President
- Local Secretary-Treasurer
NOTE: Duties and responsibilities section has been restructured, any additions are in red.
Section 2. The duties of Local officers shall be as follows:
- The Local President shall:
- Be responsible for the conduct of all Local business;
- Preside at all Local membership, Local Executive Board and Local Officers meetings;
- Prosecute grievances and appeal them to higher levels of the Union when not satisfactorily settled;
- Supervise and be ex-officio member of all Local committees;
- Approve all bills to be paid, and countersign all checks drawn on the Local treasury; and
- Perform such other additional duties as may be assigned by the Local, the Local Executive Board or required by the policies or Constitution of the Union.
- Serve as a member of the bargaining committee.
- The Local Vice President shall:
- Work under the direction of the Local President; and
- Perform such other additional duties as may be assigned by the Local, the Local Executive Board or the Local President.
- Countersign checks in Presidents absence.
- The Local Secretary-Treasurer shall:
- Maintain a record of the Local membership;
- Record and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Local, the Local Executive Board or Local officers;
- Furnish the District Vice President and the International Secretary-Treasurer with copies of any changes in these bylaws within ten (10) days after such changes are adopted;
- Certify the Local delegates to the Union Convention to the International Secretary-Treasurer within the time limits specified in Article VIII of the Union Constitution; and
- Be custodian of all assets of the Local;
- Report to each membership meeting on the financial status of the Local;
- Be bonded, as must any other person who handles Local funds or other property in accordance with the Union Constitution or any state or federal law;
- Cause the payment of all bills approved by the Local President;
- Cause the proper filing of all reports or filings required by federal, state or local law; and
- Perform such other additional duties as may be assigned by the Local, the Local Executive Board or the Local President.
- Duties of the Area Chief Stewards are:
- Conduct regular meetings in their respective work areas;
- Attend meetings of the Executive Board;
- Attend meetings of the Local membership;
- Perform all duties imposed by these Bylaws and such other duties as shall be assigned by the Local membership, Local President, and/or the Executive Board.
- Duties of the Assistant Area Chief Steward are:
- In the absence of the Area Chief Steward conduct regular meetings. The Assistant Chief Steward shall work under the direction of the Chief Steward and shall carry on their duties in their absence.
- Attend meetings of the Executive Board.
- Attend meetings of the Local Membership.
- Perform all duties imposed by these Bylaws and such other duties as shall be assigned by the membership, President of the Local, and/or Executive Board.
- Local Stewards – The Local shall have as many Stewards as may be appointed by the Local President.
The duties of Local Stewards shall be as follows:
- Work under the direction of the Chief Steward and the Local President;
- Maintain a list of members and non-members in their work group(s) and seek to have non-members join the union.
- Maintain contact information for all employees in their work group and provide timely updates to the Local Secretary-Treasurer.
- Keep all members in their work group informed about Local activities, actions and issues.
- Seek out and welcome new employees and orient them to the Union and attempt to sign them up as members.
- Pursue training opportunities from the Union.
- Represent and advocate for members in their work group(s) in a determined and unbiased way.
- To serve on one or more Local Committees.
- Ask co-workers to participate in PAF.
- Perform such other additional duties as may be assigned by the Local membership, the Local Executive Board or the Local President.
Section 3 – Local Executive Board
- The duties of the Local Executive Board shall be as follows:
- Be responsible for making decisions and taking action on behalf of the Local membership between Local meetings on all matters concerning the good and welfare of the members;
- Meet as necessary. The Local President shall call a meeting of the Executive Board whenever requested by a majority of the Board members to do so.
- Cause an annual budget to be prepared and presented to the membership; and
- Be responsible for the operation of strike action procedures as outlined in the Union Constitution
- Actions and decisions of the Executive Board shall be subject to approval by the membership.
- A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. Membership meetings and any other business of this Local shall be conducted under these bylaws and rules of the Local and in conformity with the Union Constitution. On questions where the Local bylaws, the Local rules or the Union Constitution do not clearly apply, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.
Section 2. The number constituting a quorum for Local meetings and Executive Board meetings shall be those present.
Section 3. A majority of the officers of the Executive Board or a majority of the members of a committee shall constitute a quorum for those bodies.
Section 1 – Nominations
Every member in good standing is eligible to be a candidate and to hold office provided said candidate has been a member of a trade union for a minimum of 12 months.
- Local officers shall be nominated at a membership meeting held in one of the following months: September, October, November and or December. Beginning in 1972 a, All nominations and elections will be held on a triennial basis.
- Chief Stewards and Assistant Chief Stewards will be nominated at their respective Area Meetings to be held in one of the following months: September, October, November and or December. Beginning in 1972 a All nominations and elections will be held on a triennial basis.
Section 2 – Elections – All elections of Local Officers, Area Chief Stewards and Assistant Area Chief Stewards shall be conducted by secret ballot by one of the following methods.
- Election of Local officers shall be conducted by secret ballot by US Mail.
- Election of Chief and Assistant Stewards shall be conducted by secret ballot at the area meeting.
- In the selection of the Chief and Assistant Chief Stewards in the South Metro District, members will be entitled to vote for Chief and Assistant Chief Stewards in their specific workgroups. Except in the case of the Call Center/Support Teams/Repair and Operations(SCC, Assignments, Facility Assignors, Dispatch), who will be allowed to vote for their workgroup and can also vote for the other group identified in this exception.
- The Southwest , Southeast and Le Center Districts will be voting in their respective districts.
- All elections will be completed prior to December 31st.
Section 3 – Local Election Committee
- Nominations and elections shall be under the supervision of the Election Committee. This committee shall have the authority and responsibility to see that nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with;
- Local 7270 Bylaws
- CWA Constitution
- and meet all requirements of State and Federal law.
- The Election Committee shall also be responsible for conducting any referendum conduct any referenda submitted to the membership.
- A member shall not be permitted to serve on the Election Committee while being a candidate for any office of the Local.
- The Election Committee shall not dispose of any ballots for one year following the conduct of an election.
- All questions concerning the conduct and challenges of elections shall be determined by the Election Committee, subject to the right of appeal to the governing body and membership of the Local in accordance with Article XV of the CWA Constitution.
Section 4 – General Provisions
- The nominee in any election receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If no one nominee has a majority on the first ballot, the vote shall be taken again and the two nominees having the greatest number of votes on the first ballot shall be nominees on the second ballot.
- Only members of the Local in good standing shall be eligible to vote.
Section 5 – Order of Nominations – The order of nominations shall be as follows:
- Nomination of President, Vice President, and Secretary – Treasurer shall be conducted at the membership meeting in that order.
- Nomination of Chief and Assistant Chief Stewards shall be conducted at their respective Area meetings, in that order, following the officer election results.
Section 6 – Term – The term of office shall be three (3) years.
Section 7 – Effective – The Officers and Chief Stewards shall take office on January 1st.
Section 8 – Vacancies – A vacancy in the office of Local President shall be filled by the Local Vice President. Vacancies in other offices including Chief Stewards can be filled by appointment shall be filled by appointment of the governing body of the Local, subject to approval of the appointment by the Local membership within sixty (60) days.
Section 9 – Acclamation – Any Election that has only one nominee shall be awarded the position through acclamation. Ballots will not be mailed out for that election and no write-in candidates will be permitted.
Section 10 – Election Campaign Rules – Candidates shall campaign in accordance with the Local Bylaws, CWA Constitution, the DOL, and all State and Federal laws pertaining to Campaigning for Union Elections.
Campaign rules for Local 7270 shall be as follows:
- Each Candidate will be treated equally & with respect by the other campaigning candidates & Union members.
- All election committee members will remain unbiased at all times.
- Each campaigning candidate may distribute campaign material in any fashion that does not violate these rules, the CWA Constitution, the DOL, or State or Federal laws.
- Campaigning may not be done on Union or Company time.
- Campaigning cannot be conducted during the candidate’s non-work time in any area where work is currently being performed.
- Campaigning may not be conducted on Company property.
- No Company or Union resources may be used by a Candidate to campaign with the following exceptions:
- The Local will provide mailing labels to any candidate requesting them for a cost of $5.00 per set.
- All other materials such as envelopes, stamps, etc will be at the cost of the candidate.
- Union or Company bulletin boards cannot be used for any material that is election related other than to post the following.
- Election notices
- Election Campaign rules in Article XIV, Section 10 of these bylaws
- Election results.
Contract ratification meetings will be held by a members of the bargaining committee in each area, after which there will be a mail in ballot conducted by the election committee.
The calling, conduct and termination of strikes affecting this Local shall at all times be carried on out in compliance with the CWA Constitution and such other rules prescribed by the Communication Workers of America Union and Article XVIII of its Constitution.
Section 1 – Charges – Members of this Local may be fined, suspended and/or expelled, in the manner provided in these bylaws, for any of the acts enumerated in Article XIX of the CWA Union Constitution.
Section 2 – Trials – Any accused person member, including officers of this Local, shall be tried under the provisions of Article XX of the CWA Union Constitution.
Section 3 – Appeals – A member or officer of this Local, upon being found guilty by a Local Trial Court, may appeal as provided in Article XX, Section 4 of the CWA Union Constitution.
Section 4 – Local Trial Court – A Trial Court of this Local shall be composed of five (5) persons, who are members of this Local and not parties to the proceedings, and who shall be selected by the Executive Board of the Local.
Any elected officer or of this Local may be recalled in conformity accordance with the provisions of Articles XXI, Section 2, and ARTICLE XXII, Section 8, of the CWA Union Constitution.
- Section 1 – These bylaws may be amended by either of the following methods:
- By a majority vote of the members present in the Local meeting, if the proposed amendment has been introduced at a previous membership meeting or has been advertised to the membership by use of the Local newsletter, bulletin boards or US Mail, postage prepaid, at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.
- By a referendum of the membership.
The Local Election Committee shall submit any question(s) to a referendum of the membership when directed to do so by the governing body of the Local or by action of a regular or special membership meeting. Questions submitted to referendum shall be determined by a majority vote of those voting on the question in a membership meeting.
Section 1 The fiscal year of this Local shall be from October 1st of each year to and including September 30th of the succeeding year.
Section 2 The financial records of this Local shall be audited by a Certified Public Accountant, or by a committee selected established by the Local, at the end of each fiscal year. The results of such audit shall be made available for the inspection of any member of the Local and a copy thereof shall be sent to the District Vice President.
A person elected to an office of the Local, after meeting all other qualifications, shall be duly installed upon taking the following oath:
“I, (name), hereby accept the office of (name of office) of Local 7270, Communications Workers of America, with full knowledge of the responsibilities and duties of such office.
“I promise to faithfully discharge my duties according to the bylaws and rules of the Local and the Constitution and policies of the Union.
“I further promise to give my successor in office all books and records in my possession. I shall at all times endeavor to serve my Local and the Union to the best of my ability, so help me God.”
These bylaws shall be adopted upon the approval of a majority of the members voting upon their adoption in the membership meeting called for that purpose.
These Bylaws adopted on June 20, 1960.
Revised Bylaws Adopted December 29, 1966.
Revised Bylaws Adopted January 10, 1971
Revised Bylaws Adopted December 4, 1975
Revised Bylaws Adopted May, 1982
Revised Bylaws Adopted October 29, 1995
Revised Bylaws Adopted May 16, 1999
Revised Bylaws Adopted October 25, 2009
Revised Bylaws Adopted October 14, 2018
Revised Bylaws Adopted
Revised Bylaws Adopted
* * * * * *
“The nomination of a person for the office of President, Vice President, or Secretary – Treasurer shall also constitute the nomination of the same person as a delegate to CWA Conventions held during the term of office for which the election is being conducted.”
“A vote cast for a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, or Secretary – Treasurer shall also constitute a vote for such candidate to serve as a delegate to CWA Conventions during the term of office for which the election is being conducted, in the event such candidate is elected to office.”
* * * * * *
All ballots cast, except blanks, must be counted. Blank ballots are simply ignored and are neither counted nor reported. Ballots which are not cast for actual persons (for example, a ballot cast for Mickey Mouse) are considered as blanks. If two or more filled-out ballots are folded together they are both rejected and reported as one (1) fraudulent vote; however, they are counted as one (1) vote cast. Votes for ineligible persons are rejected and so reported; however, they are counted as votes cast.
EXAMPLE: One hundred (100) ballot papers are found in the ballot box. Three (3) of them are blank; two (2) are filled out but folded together; one (1) is cast for a person who is ineligible to hold office; and ten (10) are cast for a “write-in” candidate. The ballots cast should be counted and reported as follows:
Number of votes cast…………………………… 96(a)
Number necessary for election………….…….. 49
Candidate A received……………..……………. 49(b)
Candidate B received……………..……………. 35
Candidate C (“write-in”) received……..………. 10
— Illegal Votes —
Two (2) ballot papers cast for Candidate A
(or 1 for A and 1 for B) but folded together…….. 1
One (1) ballot for Candidate D (ineligible)……….. 1
The three (3) blank papers are ignored, and two (2) papers folded together are counted as a single vote cast, thus 96 votes were cast.
Since Candidate A received a majority of the votes cast, he/she is elected.